
From Worlds Collide Wiki - Final Fantasy VI Randomizer
Revision as of 02:54, 30 January 2023 by SeelingKatt (talk | contribs) (Updated for v1.2)


Spell MP costs are not modified.

Shuffle (-mmps)
Original spell MP costs are unmodified but randomly assigned to spells.

Random Flat Value (-mmprv)
Spell MP costs set to random value within given range using a uniform distribution.

Random Percent (-mmprp)
Spell MP costs set to random percent of original value within given range using a uniform distribution.

Learnable Spells

Allow All
No changes are made to learnable spells.

Remove All Spells (-rls all)
Spells can no longer be learned from Natural Magic, Espers, Equipment, or Objectives.

Remove Black Magic (-rls black)
Black magic spells can no longer be learned from Natural Magic, Espers, Equipment, or Objectives. Includes Bio, Bolt, Bolt 2, Bolt 3, Break, Demi, Doom, Drain, Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3, Flare, Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3, Merton, Meteor, Pearl, Poison, Quake, Quartr, Ultima, W Wind, X-Zone.

Remove White Magic (-rls white)
White magic spells can no longer be learned from Natural Magic, Espers, Equipment, or Objectives. Includes Antdot, Cure, Cure 2, Cure 3, Life, Life 2, Life 3, Regen, Remedy.

Remove Support Magic (-rls gray)
Support magic spells can no longer be learned from Natural Magic, Espers, Equipment, or Objectives. Includes Bserk, Dispel, Float, Haste, Haste2, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Osmose, Quick, Rasp, Rflect, Safe, Scan*, Shell, Sleep, Slow, Slow 2, Stop, Vanish, Warp*.

(*) Note that Scan and Warp spells may be available regardless of this flag depending on other settings.


Ultima is available to learn and unchanged.

No Ultima (-nu)
Ultima can no longer be learned from Natural Magic, Espers, Equipment, or Objectives.

Expensive Ultima (254 MP) (-u254)
Ultima is available to learn, but has a base cost of 254 MP. Economizer and Gold Hairpin both affect this value.



Espers teach their original spells at their original learn rates.

Original (Random Rates) (-esrr)
Espers teach their original spells at randomly chosen learn rates using a uniform distribution.

Shuffle (-ess)
Original esper spells are randomly assigned to espers with their original learn rates using a uniform distribution. The number of spells each esper teaches is unmodified.

Shuffle (Random Rates) (-essrr)
Original esper spells are randomly assigned to espers with randomly chosen learn rates using uniform distributions. The number of spells each esper teaches is unmodified.

Random Tiered (-esrt)
Esper spells and learn rates are categorized by tier and chosen at random. Higher tier spells and learn rates are less likely to be chosen. The number of spells each esper teaches is randomly selected using a uniform distribution.
For more details: Esper Spell Tiers

Random (-esr)
Esper spells and learn rates are chosen at random using a uniform distribution. The number of spells each esper teaches is randomly selected within the given range using a uniform distribution.


Esper bonuses are unmodified.

Shuffle (-ebs)
Original esper bonuses are randomly assigned to espers using a uniform distribution.

Random (-ebr)
Given percent of randomly selected espers have bonuses selected at random using a uniform distribution.


Esper MP costs are not modified.

Shuffle (-emps)
Original esper MP costs are unmodified but randomly assigned to espers.

Random Flat Value (-emprv)
Esper MP costs set to random value within given range using a uniform distribution.

Random Percent (-emprp)
Esper MP costs set to random percent of original value within given range using a uniform distribution.


All espers can be equipped by all characters.

Random (-eer)
Espers are equipable by a random number of characters within given range selected using a uniform distribution. Gogo and Umaro are excluded. This option can potentially result in large variations in the number of espers each character can equip.

Balanced Random (-eebr)
Espers are equipable by given number of random characters selected using a uniform distribution. Gogo and Umaro are excluded. The total number of espers equipable by each character is balanced.

Starting Espers (-stesp)
Number of random espers to start the game with.

Multi-Summon (-ems)
If enabled, espers may be summoned multiple times in battle. Otherwise, espers may only be summoned once.

Natural Magic

Terra's Natural Magic (-nm1)
Celes' Natural Magic (-nm2)
Select which character will learn Terra's or Celes' natural magic.

Randomize Levels (-rnl1, -rnl2)
The levels natural spells are learned at are randomly selected between 1 and 99 using a uniform distribution.

Randomize Spells (-rns1, -rns2)
The 16 spells naturally learned are randomly selected using a uniform distribution.

Menu Indicator (-nmmi)
If enabled, the word "Natural" will appear next to MP in the status menu for characters who can learn natural magic.

Scan All (-scan)
If enabled, all enemies and bosses are scannable, all characters start with Scan learned, and Scan costs 0 MP.

Warp All (-warp)
If enabled, all characters start with Warp learned, and Warp costs 0 MP.