
From Worlds Collide Wiki - Final Fantasy VI Randomizer
Starting Out

Final Fantasy 6: Worlds Collide Intro and Overview - Created by SirBlogzALot

How to Setup and Play Worlds Collide (PC and Phone) 12:15 - Created by Jones

Moogle's First Seed 1:40:12 - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Guided video walkthrough to playing your first Worlds Collide seed, using a simple flagset suitable for beginners. Download the seed here and play alongside an expert runner with detailed commentary and explanations. Created by Drinks Glue, peroquenariz, and FalconHit

  • To roll a random seed using this preset, visit our seed generation page and select Moogle Cup from the drop down list of Tournament Presets, or direct message SeedBot2000 in our Discord server with the command !preset moogle cup.

The original (deprecated) Moogle's First Seed series can be found here.

Video Tutorials

Check Guide by Character - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Provides detailed information on individual checks, including chest locations and expert tips. Timestamps available in video description. Created by PhysicShebang

Checks Guide (v0.8) 6:26:xx - PARTIALLY DEPRECATED Video playlist including full seed playthrough plus highlights of individual checks. References a beta version of the randomizer, so please note that some information may be outdated. Created by Ravlin

Slots Command Advanced Tutorial 21:08 - Created by drewlith

ATB Wait Tricking Demo 1:10 - Created by TheSabin

ATB Wait Tricking Tutorial 10:29 - Created by Xelpher

Airship Flying Tutorial 15:57 - Tips and tricks for efficient flying. Created by seto kiaba

Help Injured Lad Quest Objective 6:31 - Created by TheShwantz27

Kefka's Tower Right Side Rush 17:01 - Also covers diving the middle to achieve a check-based tower skip. Created by PhysicShebang

Guides & Resources

FF6WC Chest List - Includes chest locations per area with accompanying screenshots, as well as character gating and other pertinent data. Created by LordAnkou

Character Gate Maps With Treasure Counts - Created by Mina, updated by FalconHit

Treasure Chest Locations Part 1Treasure Chest Locations Part 2 - Numbering refers to spoiler log order (see below). Created by Cecil

Treasure count by area - Created by DD_G, updated by franklin

Hash Sprite Cheat Sheet - Visual reference to sprites that can appear in the seed hash, with common names as given in the spoiler log. Created by papashongo

doubledown's FF6 WC Guide (v1.4.2) - Created by doubledown

franklin's FF6 Worlds Collide Guide (v0.9) - References a beta version of the randomizer, so please note that some information may be outdated. Created by franklin

jack's Racing Tips (v0.9) - References a beta version of the randomizer, so please note that some information may be outdated. Created by jackimuswedge

Ravlin's Guide (v0.8) (or on Google Drive) - References a beta version of the randomizer, so please note that some information may be outdated. Created by Ravlin with contributions by Cecil, FutureForce14, Drewlith, jackimuswedge, and Mina

Boss Exploits Cheat Sheet - Created by MrEntity

Visual Guide to Final Kefka Tiers - Created by jackimuswedge

Rage Rankings - Tiered list of rages. Created by Raitzeno and Cecil

Steal Rankings - Tiered list of items stealable from enemies. Created by TheShwantz27

Zozo Clock Puzzle Example - Created by franklin


Algorithms FAQ (includes damage formulas, game mechanics) - Created by Terii senshi

Monster Scripts - Enemy battle scripts. Created by bover_87

FF6 Skills and Parameters - Detailed table of spells/skills. Created by Cecil

Enemy Exp-to-Level Ratio/Monster Table - Created by Cecil

Equipment Chart - Created by franklin. Thanks to DD_G, Xelpher for tables

Original Character Starting Stats

Fixed Dice damage calculation - Created by Rat

Additive Damage Multipliers Guide - Created by Cecil

Fight damage calculations - includes sheets for Hyper Wrist, Gauntlet, ValiantKnife - Created by franklin

Game Tracking

Please see our trackers page.

StatsCollide - track your own stats!

Restreaming Guides

Please see our restreaming page.