Experience, Magic Points, Gold
Experience Multiplier (-xpm)
Multiplies experience received from each enemy at the end of battle by the given multiplier. This multiplier is applied after enemy scaling. The maximum experience a single enemy can award is 65535, but the overall total experience received after battle can exceed that limit.
Magic Points Multiplier (-mpm)
Multiplies magic points received at the end of battle by the given multiplier. The maximum possible after battle is 255.
Gold Multiplier (-gpm)
Multiplies GP received from each enemy at the end of battle by the given multiplier. This multiplier is applied after enemy scaling. The maximum GP a single enemy can award is 65535, but the overall total GP received after battle can exceed that limit.
Split Party Exp (-nxppd)
If enabled, the total experience received after battle will be evently divided by the number of surviving party members. Otherwise, every surviving party member will receive the full amount of experience.
Boss Battles
Boss locations are not modified.
Shuffled (-bbs)
The locations of bosses will be shuffled. Each boss will appear in only one boss location.
Random (-bbr)
The boss at each location will be randomly chosen using a uniform distribution. Bosses may appear in multiple locations or none.
If Dragon Battles are set to Mixed, this flag will also randomize the eight dragons in their respective locations, allowing for duplicate dragons to appear.
Statue Battles
Doom, Goddess, and Poltrgeist locations are not modified.
Shuffled (-stloc shuffle)
The locations of Doom, Goddess, and Poltrgeist are shuffled amongst themselves.
Mixed (-stloc mix)
Doom, Goddess, and Poltrgeist are added into the general boss pool. If boss battles are set to original, they will shuffle amongst themselves.
Dragon Battles
Dragon locations are not modified.
Shuffled (-drloc shuffle)
Dragons are shuffled amongst themselves.
Mixed (-drloc mix)
Dragons are added into the general boss pool. If boss battles are set to original, they will shuffle amongst themselves. Dragons may appear in boss locations (except Statues/Guardian) but will never appear in random/fixed encounters. Additionally, Kefka Tower dragon requirements will count dragon battles and not their original locations. Regardless of this setting, exactly eight dragons are guaranteed in every seed.
Note that Final Kefka Objective Conditions may impose limits on boss/dragon randomization. For example, if "Defeat Whelk" is a Condition for Final Kefka, Whelk will be forced into the Boss pool. This applies to ALL Objectives with Final Kefka as a Result, even though only 1 particular Final Kefka Objective needs to be completed to finish the game.
Boss Experience (-be)
If enabled, boss fights will reward experience with the exceptions of Chupon/Ultros and Phunbaba3 which end with Sneeze and BabaBreath respectively.
For more details: Boss Experience Table
Restore Marshal's Lobos (-bmkl)
By default, the Marshal boss formation replaces the 2 Lobos with a pair of randomized enemies: Red Wolf, Covert, Ogor, Tap Dancer, Sky Cap, Dueller, Fortis, Tyranosaur, PlutoArmor, Barb-e, Retainer. If enabled, this flag will leave the 2 Lobos so the battle is the same as in vanilla.
Enemy Scaling
Enemy scaling affects an enemy's level, HP, MP, experience (EXP), and GP. The level is first calculated based on one of the selected options below and then HP/MP/GP/experience values are calculated as:
floor(original_value / original_level) * scaled_level |
To prevent unintentional zero values, if original_level > original_value then the original_value is not scaled.
After scaling, an enemy's level is distorted by between -1 and 2 but will never be lower than 3. This means that if a player calculates what level an enemy will be scaled to, level-based abilities and spells have a 1/4 chance of success. A player can still cast "Scan" to see the true level of an enemy.
"Level Scaling" is primarily used in calculations for enemy physical/magic damage and is not directly related to enemy HP/MP.
"HP/MP Scaling" is used for determining enemy HP and MP values.
"Exp/GP Scaling" is used to determine how much EXP and GP is awarded after an enemy is defeated.
Enemies are not scaled and no level distortion is applied.
Party Average Level (-lsa, -hma, -xga)
Enemy level, HP/MP, EXP/GP is scaled to the average level of the active party.
Party Highest Level (-lsh, -hmh, -xgh)
Enemy level, HP/MP, EXP/GP is scaled to the highest level in the active party.
Characters + Espers (-lsce, -hmce, -xgce)
Enemies gain given levels, HP/MP, EXP/GP for each character/esper found. For example, if the player has currently found 5 characters and 12 espers and defeated 6 dragons then the enemy level will be scaled to (5 + 12) * n, where n is the scaling factor.
Characters + Espers + Dragons (-lsced, -hmced, -xgced)
Enemies gain given levels, HP/MP, EXP/GP for each character/esper found and dragon defeated. For example, if the player has currently found 5 characters and 12 espers and defeated 6 dragons then the enemy level will be scaled to (5 + 12 + 6) * n, where n is the scaling factor.
Checks (-lsc, -hmc, -xgc)
Enemies gain given levels, HP/MP, EXP/GP for each completed check (acquiring 1 reward slot item in the Auction House counts as completing a check, so you can complete 2 checks total at the Auction House). For example, if the player has currently completed 5 checks, then the enemy level will be scaled to 5 * n, where n is the scaling factor.
Bosses + Dragons Defeated (-lsbd, -hmbd, -xgbd)
Enemies gain given levels, HP/MP, EXP/GP for each boss + dragon defeated. For example, if the player has currently defeated 3 bosses and 2 dragons then the enemy level will be scaled to (3 + 2) * n, where n is the scaling factor.
Game Time (-lst, -hst, -xgt)
Enemies gain given levels, HP/MP, EXP/GP as the number of in-game minutes increases. For example, with Game Time / n levels selected, if the time displayed in the party menu is 1:05 then the enemy level will be scaled to (1 * 60 + 5) / n. Note that due to the minimum enemy level of 3, enemies will not begin to increase in level until 4 * n minutes have elapsed.
Ability Scaling
Certain enemy abilities which are scaled based on an enemy's level after scaling.
For more details: Enemy Ability Scaling
Enemy abilities are not scaled.
Element (-ase)
Enemy abilities will be scaled but retain their original element. For example, Fire 2 may be replaced by Fire or Fire 3 but not Ice.
Random (-asr)
Enemy abilities will be scaled to any ability within the enemy's current level tier.
Ability Scaling Factor
The Ability Scaling Factor slider determines the level breakpoints for enemy ability base tiers when using Scale Element or Random. Base level tiers will increase every n + 3 Scaling Factor levels, up to a maximum of level (n + 3) * 8. For example, when the Ability Scaling Factor is set to 2, base level tiers will increase every 2 + 3 = 5 levels reaching max base tier of 8 at level (2 + 3) * 8 = 40.
Note that other tier modifications can further adjust what tier an enemy ability is selected from.
Max Scale Level (-msl 3-99)
The maximum level an enemy can be scaled to by the enemy scaling option. The given value is applied before level distortion. Note that Objective Results that add extra levels to enemies can raise their levels above this max limit.
Scale Eight Dragons (-sed)
Applies to Ice, Storm, Dirt, Gold, Skull, Blue, Red, and White dragons. If enabled, the listed enemies will be affected by the enemy scaling and enemy abilities options and their level/HP/MP/GP/experience/abilities will be modified. Otherwise, these enemies will have their original parameters. Extra enemy levels are still applied to the enemies listed.
Scale Final Battles (-sfb)
Applies to Face, Short Arm, Long Arm, Hit, Tiger, Tools, Magic, Girl, Sleep, and Final Kefka. If enabled, the listed enemies will be affected by the enemy scaling and enemy abilities options and their level/HP/MP/GP/experience/abilities will be modified. Otherwise, these enemies will have their original parameters. Extra enemy levels are still applied to the enemies listed.
Random Encounters
Random encounters can be avoided by equipping the Moogle Charm relic on an active party member.
Note: The location of Zone Eater is never modified.
Original random encounters are in their original locations.
Shuffle (-res)
Original random encounters are assigned to random locations using a uniform distribution.
Random with boss chance (-rer)
Randomly selected encounters are assigned to random locations using a uniform distribution. Given percent of randomly selected encounters are replaced by a random boss encounter using a uniform distribution.
Fixed Encounters
Fixed encounters occur at specific locations/events and cannot be avoided using Moogle Charms. These include: Lete River, Imperial Camp, Doma siege soldiers, Phantom Train ghosts, Serpent Trench, Kefka At Narshe soldiers, Opera House rats, Vector soldiers, Mine Cart, Imperial Base soldiers, Sealed Cave ninja, Burning House flames, IAF, Floating Continent escape, Owzer Mansion paintings/chests.
Original fixed encounters are in their original fixed locations.
Random with boss chance (-fer)
Randomly selected fixed encounters are assigned to random fixed locations using a uniform distribution. Given percent of randomly selected fixed encounters are replaced by a random boss encounter using a uniform distribution.
Escapable options apply to random and fixed encounters but not bosses.
Escapable encounters are unmodified.
Random (-escr)
Given percent of encounters are randomly chosen to be escapable using a uniform distribution and those not chosen are set to be inescapable.