Enemy ability scaling is based on two main factors: vanilla abilities and monster level. If you want to know what monster spells and abilities will be scaled into, keep reading.
Vanilla Ability -> Element Class
First, each vanilla ability that a monster can use listed in the table below is placed into an Element Class. There are 11 Element Classes: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Earth, Wind, Water, Poison, Pearl, Non-elemental, Tek (Magitek), and Cure. Additionally, based on the vanilla power of the ability, a Tier Modifier is applied to the scaling.
Original Ability | Element Class | Tier Modifier |
Fire | FIRE | 0 |
Fire 2 | FIRE | 0 |
Fire Ball | FIRE | 0 |
Blaze | FIRE | 0 |
Fire Wall | FIRE | 0 |
Fire Skean | FIRE | 1 |
Elf Fire | FIRE | 1 |
Fire 3 | FIRE | 1 |
Flare Star | FIRE | 1 |
Merton | FIRE | 2 |
S. Cross | FIRE | 2 |
Ice | ICE | 0 |
Blizzard | ICE | 0 |
Ice 2 | ICE | 0 |
Storm | ICE | 1 |
Ice 3 | ICE | 1 |
Absolute 0 | ICE | 1 |
Surge | ICE | 1 |
Bolt | BOLT | 0 |
Mega Volt | BOLT | 0 |
Bolt 2 | BOLT | 0 |
Bolt Edge | BOLT | 1 |
Plasma | BOLT | 1 |
Bolt 3 | BOLT | 1 |
Giga Volt | BOLT | 1 |
Lifeshaver | EARTH | 0 |
Slide | EARTH | 0 |
Magnitude8 | EARTH | 1 |
Quake | EARTH | 2 |
Gale Cut | WIND | 0 |
Wind Slash | WIND | 1 |
Sand Storm | WIND | 1 |
Aero | WIND | 2 |
Acid Rain | WATER | 0 |
Flash Rain | WATER | 0 |
Aqua Rake | WATER | 0 |
Water Edge | WATER | 1 |
CleanSweep | WATER | 1 |
El Nino | WATER | 1 |
Poison | POISON | 0 |
Virite | POISON | 0 |
Bio | POISON | 0 |
Pois. Frog | POISON | 0 |
L? Pearl | PEARL | 0 |
Scar Beam | PEARL | 0 |
Pearl | PEARL | 1 |
Shock Wave | NON_ELEMENTAL | 0 |
Heart Burn | NON_ELEMENTAL | 0 |
Stone | NON_ELEMENTAL | 0 |
L4 Flare | NON_ELEMENTAL | 0 |
Blow Fish | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Rage | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Cokatrice | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Quasar | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Flare | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Whump | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Meteor | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Land Slide | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
GrandTrain | NON_ELEMENTAL | 1 |
Wombat | NON_ELEMENTAL | 2 |
Meteo | NON_ELEMENTAL | 2 |
HyperDrive | NON_ELEMENTAL | 2 |
Ultima | NON_ELEMENTAL | 2 |
Tek Laser | TEK | 0 |
Diffuser | TEK | 0 |
Atomic Ray | TEK | 0 |
WaveCannon | TEK | 1 |
Shrapnel | TEK | 1 |
Cure | CURE | 0 |
Cure 2 | CURE | 0 |
Pearl Wind | CURE | 0 |
Sun Bath | CURE | 1 |
Ice Rabbit | CURE | 1 |
Cure 3 | CURE | 1 |
Monsters can have access to multiple Element Classes, same as in vanilla. For example, TunnelArmr uses Bolt, Fire, Poison, and Tek Laser in vanilla. Therefore, it can access abilities in the Bolt, Fire, Poison, and Tek Element Classes.
Note that for Enemy Abilities - Scale Random the Tier Modifier is still relevant, but offensive abilities will use the Element Class "Offensive Scale Element" class in the table below.
If an enemy ability is not shown in the above table, it is not changed/scaled.
Element Class Tiers
Next, calculate the Element Class tiers the monster can access. Abilities in each tier are shown in the following table:
Element Class | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Fire | Fire | Fire | Fire, Fire 2, Fire Ball | Fire 2, Fire Ball, Atomic Ray, Blaze, Fire Wall | Fire 2, Fire Ball, Atomic Ray, Blaze, Fire Wall, Fire Skean, Elf Fire | Atomic Ray, Blaze, Fire Wall, Fire Skean, Elf Fire, Fire 3 | Fire Skean, Elf Fire, Fire 3, Flare Star | Fire 3, Flare Star | Flare Star | Merton, S. Cross | Merton, S. Cross | Merton, S. Cross |
Ice | Ice | Ice, Blizzard | Ice, Blizzard, Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain | Blizzard, Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain | Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain, Storm | Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0 | Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge | Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge | Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge | Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge | Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge | Surge |
Bolt | Bolt, Mega Volt | Bolt, Mega Volt | Bolt, Mega Volt, Bolt 2 | Bolt 2 | Bolt 2, Bolt Edge, Plasma | Bolt Edge, Plasma, Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt Edge, Plasma, Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt Edge, Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt Edge, Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt 3, Giga Volt | Bolt 3 |
Earth | Grav Bomb | Grav Bomb, Demi | Grav Bomb, Demi, Stone, Shimsham | Demi, Stone, Shimsham, Sonic Boom, Lifeshaver, Slide | Stone, Shimsham, Sonic Boom, Lifeshaver, Slide, Cave In, Magnitude8, Lode Stone | Sonic Boom, Lifeshaver, Slide, Cave In, Magnitude8, Lode Stone, Quartr | Cave In, Magnitude8, Lode Stone, Quartr | Quartr, Land Slide | Quartr, Land Slide, Quake | Quartr, Land Slide, Quake | Land Slide, Quake | Quake |
Wind | Gale Cut | Gale Cut | Gale Cut | Wind Slash, Sand Storm | Wind Slash, Sand Storm | Wind Slash, Sand Storm | Wind Slash, Sand Storm | Aero, Cyclonic | Aero, Cyclonic, W Wind | Aero, Cyclonic, W Wind | Aero, Cyclonic, W Wind | Aero, Cyclonic, W Wind |
Water | Acid Rain | Acid Rain | Acid Rain, Flash Rain | Acid Rain, Flash Rain, Aqua Rake | Acid Rain, Flash Rain, Aqua Rake, Water Edge, CleanSweep | Aqua Rake, Water Edge, CleanSweep | Aqua Rake, Water Edge, CleanSweep | Water Edge, CleanSweep, El Nino | Water Edge, CleanSweep, El Nino | Water Edge, CleanSweep, El Nino | CleanSweep, El Nino | El Nino |
Poison | Poison | Poison | Poison, Virite | Virite, Bio, Acid Rain | Bio, Acid Rain, Poison Frog | Bio, Acid Rain, Poison Frog | Bio, Acid Rain, Poison Frog | Bio, Acid Rain, Poison Frog | Bio, Poison Frog | Bio, Poison Frog | Poison Frog | Poison Frog |
Pearl | L? Pearl, Pearl | L? Pearl, Pearl | L? Pearl, Pearl | L? Pearl, Scar Beam, Pearl | L? Pearl, Scar Beam, Pearl | Scar Beam, Pearl | Scar Beam, Pearl | Scar Beam, Pearl | Scar Beam, Pearl | Pearl | Pearl | Pearl |
Non-elemental | Step Mine, Shock Wave | Step Mine, Shock Wave, Drain, Osmose, Raid, Heart Burn | Shock Wave, Drain, Osmose, Raid, Heart Burn, Rasp, Stone | Drain, Osmose, Raid, Heart Burn, Rasp, Stone, L.4 Flare | Rasp, Stone, L.4 Flare, Blow Fish | L.4 Flare, Blow Fish, Rage, Cokatrice, Quasar | Blow Fish, Rage, Cokatrice, Quasar, Flare, Whump | Rage, Cokatrice, Quasar, Flare, Whump, Meteor, Land Slide, GrandTrain | Flare, Whump, Meteor, Land Slide, GrandTrain, Wombat, Meteo | Meteor, Land Slide, GrandTrain, Wombat, Meteo, HyperDrive, Goner | Wombat, Meteo, Fallen One, HyperDrive, Goner, Ultima | Fallen One, HyperDrive, Goner, Ultima |
Cure | Cure | Cure 2 | Cure 2, Sun Bath | Cure 2, Sun Bath | Sun Bath, Ice Rabbit | Sun Bath, Ice Rabbit, Cure 3 | Ice Rabbit, Cure 3 | Cure 3 | Cure 3 | Cure 3 | Cure 3 | Cure 3 |
Tek | Missile, Tek Laser | Missile, Tek Laser | Tek Laser, Diffuser | Diffuser, Atomic Ray, Launcher | Diffuser, Atomic Ray, Launcher | Diffuser, Atomic Ray, Launcher, WaveCannon, Shrapnel | Atomic Ray, Launcher, WaveCannon, Shrapnel | Atomic Ray, Launcher, WaveCannon, Shrapnel | WaveCannon, Shrapnel | WaveCannon, Shrapnel | Shrapnel | Shrapnel |
Offensive Scale Element | Step Mine, Missile, Gale Cut | Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Tek Laser, Mega Volt, Grav Bomb, Shock Wave | Drain, Demi, Osmose, Virite, Blizzard, Raid, Heart Burn | Fire 2, Ice 2, Bolt 2, Bio, Rasp, Snowball, L? Pearl, Stone, Acid Rain, Fire Ball, Diffuser, Flash Rain, Shimsham, Scar Beam | Sonic Boom, Poison Frog, Aqua Rake, L.4 Flare, Atomic Ray, Launcher, Tentacle, Blaze, Lifeshaver, Fire Wall, Slide | Fire Skean, Water Edge, Bolt Edge, Storm, Wind Slash, Sand Storm, Elf Fire, Cave In, Blow Fish, CleanSweep, Magnitude8, Lode Stone | Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3, Quartr, Rage, Cokatrice, Quasar, WaveCannon, Giga Volt, Absolute 0, Shrapnel | Pearl, Flare, Surge, Whump, Flare Star | Meteor, Land Slide, El Nino, Aero, GrandTrain, Cyclonic | Quake, W Wind, Wombat, Meteo | Merton, Fallen One, S. Cross, HyperDrive, Goner | Ultima |
There are 12 tiers total (0 to 11). The Ability Scaling Factor slider determines the breakpoints for each tier. For example, when the Ability Scaling Factor is set to 2, monster abilities increase in tier approximately every 5 levels reaching max base tier of 8 at level 40.
To create a smoother gradient of difficulty, any given ability base tier is randomized between -2 and +2. -2 = 10%, -1 = 25%, 0 = 35%, +1 = 25%, +2 = 5%.
Physical Damage Special Scaling
Several monsters use "special attacks" which in vanilla are treated as standard physical attacks with a bonus damage multiplier. For example, the Guard monster has a special called "Critical" which is 1.5x damage (Special tier of 0). The Dragon monster has a special called "Tail" which is 5x damage (Special tier of 7).
These Special abilities are also scaled as well, with 16 (0 to 15) tiers using the following formula: min(enemy level / 4, 11) + (Special Original Ability Offset) = base Special tier. Then, apply a random offset from -2 to +2.
Special Original Ability Offset is defined as the following:
Vanilla Special tiers 0 to 3: offset is 0
Vanilla Special tiers 4 to 8: offset is +1
Vanilla Special tiers 9 or higher: offset is +2
After determining base tier level (based on level and the randomized tier calculation above), apply any Tier Modifiers† from the first step to determine what possible abilities the monster can use.
†Certain monsters have Tier Modifications beyond what is noted above. Whelk's MegaVolt shell counter, Leader's special, and Piranha specials are given a Tier Modifier of +1.
Monster Special tiering example: Let's say enemy level scaling has put an Iron Fist at level 16.
Iron Fist's vanilla special is Knee Kick, which is a Vanilla Special tier of 1 (2x physical damage). Since this is between 0 and 3, Special Original Ability Offset = 0.
Now, calculate the Special base tier: min(enemy level / 4, 11) + (Special Original Ability Offset) = min(16/4,11) + 0 = 4
Then apply the random offset of -2 to +2.
When Iron Fist uses Knee Kick, now there is a:
10% chance the damage is Special tier 2 - 2.5x damage
25% chance the damage is Special tier 3 - 3x damage
35% chance the damage is Special tier 4 - 3.5x damage
25% chance the damage is Special tier 5 - 4x damage
5% chance the damage is Special tier 6 - 4.5x damage
Monster ability tiering example 1: Let's say enemy level scaling has put TunnelArmr at level 20.
TunnelArmr uses Bolt, Fire, Poison, and Tek Laser in vanilla. Therefore, it can access abilities in the Bolt, Fire, Poison, and Tek Element Classes, with no Tier Modification. With an Ability Scaling Factor of 2, monster abilities increase in tier every 5 levels. 20 / 5 = base tier of 4.
For each ability, TunnelArmr has a:
10% chance of being in tier 2
25% chance of being in tier 3
35% chance of being in tier 4
25% chance of being in tier 5
5% chance of being in tier 6
If TunnelArmr originally would cast Bolt, now there is a:
10% chance of using a Bolt spell from tier 2 - equal chance of being Bolt, Mega Volt, Bolt 2
25% chance of using a Bolt spell from tier 3 - the only spell in Bolt tier 3 is Bolt 2
35% chance of using a Bolt spell from tier 4 - equal chance of being Bolt 2, Bolt Edge, Plasma
25% chance of using a Bolt spell from tier 5 - equal chance of being Bolt Edge, Plasma, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
5% chance of using a Bolt spell from tier 6 - equal chance of being Bolt Edge, Plasma, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
Monster ability tiering example 2: Let's say enemy level scaling has put Doom Gaze at level 19.
Doom Gaze uses Aero, Doom, Ice 3, and L.5 Doom in vanilla. Doom and L.5 Doom are not in the above table, so these abilities are not scaled.
Aero and Ice 3 are. Doom Gaze can access abilities in the Wind and Ice Element Classes, with a +2 Tier Modification to Wind and +1 Tier Modification to Ice (based on the first table in this page). With an Ability Scaling Factor of 2, monster abilities increase in tier every 5 levels. 19 / 5 = base tier of 3 (round down)
If Doom Gaze originally would cast Aero, now there is a:
10% chance of using a Wind ability in tier 1+2 = 3 - Wind Slash, Sand Storm
25% chance of using a Wind ability in tier 2+2 = 4 - Wind Slash, Sand Storm
35% chance of using a Wind ability in tier 3+2 = 5 - Wind Slash, Sand Storm
25% chance of using a Wind ability in tier 4+2 = 6 - Wind Slash, Sand Storm
5% chance of using a Wind ability in tier 5+2 = 7 - Aero, Cyclonic
If Doom Gaze originally would cast Ice 3, now there is a:
10% chance of using an Ice ability in tier 1+1 = 2 - Ice, Blizzard, Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain
25% chance of using an Ice ability in tier 2+1 = 3 - Blizzard, Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain
35% chance of using an Ice ability in tier 3+1 = 4 - Ice 2, Snowball, Flash Rain, Storm
25% chance of using an Ice ability in tier 4+1 = 5 - Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0
5% chance of using an Ice ability in tier 5+1 = 6 - Storm, Ice 3, Absolute 0, Surge