
From Worlds Collide Wiki - Final Fantasy VI Randomizer


Walk by default. When the active party is wearing Sprint Shoes, the party will sprint.

Auto Sprint (-move as)
Always sprint, and hold B to walk. Sprint Shoes have no effect.

B-Dash (-move bd)
Always sprint, and hold B to dash at 2x speed.
Note: B-dash is disabled inside Owzer's Mansion.

Sprint Shoes B-Dash (-move ssbd)
Always sprint, and when the active party is wearing Sprint Shoes, hold B to dash at 2x speed.
Note: B-dash is disabled inside Owzer's Mansion.



April Fools 2021 experimental setting. Pushing Y when facing an NPC sprite causes various effects. Most options will change the NPC sprite to another sprite. The replacement sprite can be affected by aesthetic changes made in the Custom tab.

Pushing Y when facing an NPC sprite in multi-party scenarios will still cause a transition to another party.

Some options can cause bugs, glitches, or softlocks. Do not use this option if you wish to guarantee game stability.


Pushing Y has no effect on NPC sprites.

Mascot (-ymascot)

NPCs will be replaced by mascot sprites (Moogle, Imp, Chocobo, or Moogle/Imp riding a Chocobo).

Creature (-ycreature)

NPCs will be replaced by creature sprites (bird, dog, fish, Esper faerie, octopus, or wolf).

Imperial (-yimperial)

NPCs will be replaced by Imperial sprites (brown/green/black-uniformed soldier, Celes, Gestahl, Kefka, Leo, or soldier/Celes riding Magitek).

Main Character (-ymain)

NPCs will be replaced by one of the 14 playable character sprites.

Reflect (-yreflect)

NPCs will be replaced by the lead party member sprite after a short animation.

Stone (-ystone)

NPCs will be turned into a stone statue. Attempting to talk to the statue or pushing over buttons during the transition can cause glitches, soft locks, and/or game crashes.

Vanish/X-Zone (-yvxz)

NPCs will disappear after a short animation. This has the same result as Y NPC Remove. Using this on certain sprites can cause soft locks and game logic breaks.

Sketch (-ysketch)

NPCs will be replaced by random sprites. Some sprites may appear to be splotches of pixels, non-human sprites like a letter or magicite, or combinations of other sprites.

Random (-yrandom)

NPCs will be replaced by a random humanoid or animal sprite, with a random palette chosen from available palettes.

Remove (-yremove)

NPCs will disappear. This has the same result as Y NPC Vanish/X-Zone but there is no animation. Using this on certain sprites can cause soft locks and game logic breaks.

Event Timers

Collapsing House, Opera House, and Floating Continent timers unmodified.

Random (-etr)
Timers randomly selected using a uniform distribution.
Collapsing House: 6 minutes -> 2-5 minutes
Opera House: 5 minutes -> 4-7 minutes
Floating Continent: 6 minutes -> 5-8 minutes

None (-etn)
Collapsing House, Opera House, and Floating Continent timers removed.

Original Name Display (-ond)
If enabled, each character's original name will be displayed in menus.

NPC Tips (-npctips)
NPCs provide general game tips instead of vanilla dialog. Full list of changed dialog can be found here.



Coliseum opponents are unmodified.

Shuffle (-cosr)
Original coliseum opponents are shuffled to random item wagers and then randomized using a uniform distribution. For example, a flagstring "-cosr 20" means that coliseum enemies are shuffled to random item wagers, then the enemies for 20% of those matches are randomized.

Random (-cor)
Coliseum opponents for each item wager selected at random using a uniform distribution, from 0-100% of matches randomized. For example, a flagstring "-cor 20" means that 20% of all coliseum match enemies are randomly replaced with an enemy.


Coliseum rewards are unmodified.

Shuffle (-crsr)
Original rewards are shuffled to random item wagers and then randomized using a uniform distribution. For example, a flagstring "-crsr 20" means that reward items are shuffled to random item wagers, then the items for 20% of those matches are randomized.

Random (-crr)
Coliseum rewards for each item wager selected at random using a uniform distribution, from 0-100% of matches randomized. For example, a flagstring "-crr 20" means that 20% of all matches will have a random item reward.

Visible Rewards

Original coliseum rewards visible unmodified.

Random (-crvr)
Random number of rewards within given range selected using a uniform distribution. Rewards not chosen will display as question marks.

Rewards Menu (-crm)
Display rewards in item selection menu. Hidden rewards will display as question marks. The number of each item possessed will appear in the top right.

No Exp. Egg (-cnee)
Exp. Eggs will not appear in coliseum. If Original/Shuffle Coliseum rewards are on, the Exp. Egg will be replaced with a random item.

No Illumina (-cnil)
Illuminas will not appear in coliseum. If Original/Shuffle Coliseum rewards are on, the Illumina will be replaced with a random item.


Permadeath (-pd)
If enabled, Life spells cannot be learned. Fenix Downs unavailable except from starting items. Buckets/inns/tents/events do not revive characters. Phoenix casts Life 3 on party instead of Life. Drop/steal tables for monsters that originally have Fenix Down now have one of the following items instead: Tonic, Potion, Tincture, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Revivify, Soft, Ether, Sleeping Bag, Tent, Remedy, Dried Meat.

Normalize & Distort Stats (-bnds)
If enabled, low boss stats will typically be randomly increased and high stats will be randomly selected using a uniform distribution within 25% of the original value.
For more details: Boss Normalize Distort

Shuffle/Random Phunbaba3 (-srp3)
At the end of battle, Phunbaba3 will use the BabaBreath ability on one or two party members. BabaBreath removes the targeted character from the current party until they are added back in through a party select menu. If enabled, the location of Phunbaba3 may change depending on the selected Boss Battles option. Otherwise, Phunbaba3 will only appear as the first boss in Mobliz WOR.

Note that due to a bug, Phunbaba3 will never appear at the end of the mine cart ride in Magitek Facility. Instead, if randomly selected to appear there he will be replaced by Phunbaba4.

Ironmog Mode (-nosaves)
Saving is disabled, but save points still work for Tents/Sleeping Bags.


No Free Characters/Espers (-nfce)
If enabled, characters and espers will not be rewarded from: Auction House, Collapsing House, Figaro Castle Throne, Gau's Father's House, Kohlingen Inn, Lone Wolf, Mt. Zozo, Narshe Weapon Shop, Sealed Gate, South Figaro Basement.

Item Rewards

None (-ir none)
Checks that would reward an item reward nothing ("Empty") instead.

Standard (-ir standard)
Possible item rewards: Aegis Shld, Aura Lance, BehemothSuit, Cat Hood, Dragon Horn, Economizer, Exp. Egg, Fixed Dice, Flame Shld, Force Armor, Force Shld, Gem Box, Genji Armor, Genji Glove, Genji Helmet, Genji Shld, Ice Shld, Illumina, Magus Rod, Marvel Shoes, Minerva, Offering, Paladin Shld, Pearl Lance, Ragnarok, Red Cap, Snow Muffler, Thunder Shld, ValiantKnife. If Stronger Atma Weapon flag is on, Atma Weapon is included in this list.

Stronger (-ir stronger)
Possible item rewards: ValiantKnife, Illumina, Ragnarok, Atma Weapon, Aura Lance, Fixed Dice, Flame Shld, Ice Shld, Thunder Shld, Paladin Shld, Force Shld, Cat Hood, Force Armor, Minerva, BehemothSuit, Snow Muffler, Genji Glove, Offering, Dragon Horn, Exp. Egg

Premium (-ir premium)
Possible item rewards: ValiantKnife, Illumina, Ragnarok, Atma Weapon, Fixed Dice, Flame Shld, Ice Shld, Thunder Shld, Paladin Shld, Minerva, Genji Glove, Offering, Exp. Egg


Random RNG (-rr)
If enabled, the game's RNG table will be randomized. Otherwise, the RNG table will be unmodified.

Random Clock (-rc)
Randomize clock's correct time and NPC clues in Zozo. Clues are placed so that talking to 9 specific NPCs and examining another clock in Zozo WoB will provide enough information to solve the clock puzzle without needing to guess at any value.

A guide to setting a randomized clock can be found [here].

Auction House

Randomize Items (-ari)
If enabled, Cherub Down, Cure Ring, Hero Ring, and Zephyr Cape are replaced by an item selected at random using a uniform distribution. Otherwise, the items will not be modified.

Allow Chocobo/Airship (-anca)
If enabled, the unpurchasable talking chocobo and 1/1200 airship will be offered for sale and items/espers will have their original chance of appearing. Otherwise, they will not be offered and remain unpurchasable, and items/espers will have an increased chance of appearing.

Door Esper Hint (-adeh)
If enabled, the NPC inside the Auction House at the door will indicate if espers remain available for purchase. Otherwise, the NPC's dialog will not be modified.

Max Espers (-ame)
Sets the maximum number of Espers that can be randomized into the Auction House (0, 1, or 2).