Commands (-com)
Allows for modifying character commands. "Random" and "Random Unique" choose commands using a uniform distribution. "Random Unique" only selects commands not already assigned or randomly chosen (they will only be on one character). Both options exclude: Fight, Item, Magic, Revert, Leap, Mimic, Row, Def, None.
Shuffle Commands (-scc)
If enabled, commands chosen or randomly selected in the above options are randomly assigned using a uniform distribution. Currently, Morph and Leap may only be assigned to a single character; this option allows those commands to be randomly assigned.
Excluded Commands (-rec1, -rec2, ..., -rec5)
Excludes the selected commands from being chosen by "Random" and "Random Unique".
Chance to Steal
Steal rates unmodified.
Higher (-sch)
Increases the chance of stealing from same-level targets from 50% to 90% and increases the chances of stealing a rare item from 1/8 to 3/8.
Always (-sca)
Increases the chance of stealing to 100% for any target with an item available to steal and increases the chances of stealing a rare item from 1/8 to 3/8.
Fix Capture Bugs (-fc)
If enabled, multi-steal can give more than one item, and weapon specials can now proc using the Capture command.
Shuffle + Random Steals & Drops (-ssd)
Shuffles and randomizes enemy steals and drops. All possible stolen/won items are put into a list, shuffled, and randomly distributed across common/rare steal and drop slots for all enemies.
Fast SwdTech (-fst)
If enabled, the SwdTech gauge will charge four times faster (~0.53 seconds per SwdTech instead of the original ~2.13 seconds).
Everyone Learns (-sel)
If enabled, SwdTechs can be unlocked by every character. Once any recruited character reaches a SwdTech's required level it is enabled for everyone. Otherwise, only characters with the SwdTech command can unlock them.
Restore Retort Glitch (-fr)
If enabled, allows a bug causing Retort to counter various actions infinitely with Imp status. Also allows a bug where Retort can be be triggered by other actions unexpectedly, after a SwdTech character is revived in battle and then chooses Retort. Otherwise, the bugs will be fixed.
Starting Tools (-sto)
Number of different random Tools between 0 and 8 to start the game with.
Bum Rush Last (-brl)
If enabled, Bum Rush can only be learned from Duncan after every other blitz has been unlocked (level 42).
Everyone Learns (-bel)
If enabled, Blitzes can be unlocked by every character. Once any character reaches a Blitz's required level it is enabled for everyone. Otherwise, only characters with the Blitz command can unlock them.
Starting Lores
Lores initially known are not modified (Aqua Rake, Revenge, Stone).
Random (-slr)
The number of lores initially known is randomly selected within the given range using a uniform distribution. After, the initial lores are randomly selected using a uniform distribution.
Lore MP costs are not modified.
Shuffle (-lmps)
Original lore MP costs are unmodified but randomly assigned to lores.
Random Flat Value (-lmprv)
Lore MP costs set to random value within given range using a uniform distribution.
Random Percent (-lmprp)
Lore MP costs set to random percent of original value within given range using a uniform distribution.
Everyone Learns (-lel)
If enabled, lores can be learned by every character. Otherwise, a character with the lore command must be in the active party. Whether enabled or disabled, original restrictions still apply and characters must not be afflicted with dark, zombie, petrify, death, berserk, muddle, sleep, stop, rage, frozen, or hide in order to learn lores.
Improved Sketch/Control (-scis)
If enabled, Sketch and Control commands have 100% accuracy, and use the caster's stats instead of the enemy's.
Restore Sketch Glitch (-fs)
If enabled, allows a bug with the Sketch command which may cause various effects such as graphical glitches, freezes, or data corruption. Otherwise, the bug will be fixed.
Starting Dances (-sdr)
The number of dances initially known is randomly selected within the given range using a uniform distribution. After, the initial dances are randomly selected using a uniform distribution.
Shuffle Abilities (-das)
Abilities used by dances are randomly assigned to dances using a uniform distribution.
Display Abilities (-dda)
If enabled, abilities used by dances will be shown in the dance menu.
No Stumble (-dns)
If enabled, dancing in a different terrain than the chosen dance will never stumble.
Everyone Learns (-del)
If enabled, dances can be learned by every character. Otherwise, a character with the dance command must be in the active party.
Starting Rages
Original Starting Rages
Rages initially known are not modified (Whisper, Brawler, Hornet, Were-Rat, Trilobiter, Rhinotaur, M-TekArmor, Lobo, Exocite).
Random (-srr)
The number of rages initially known is randomly selected within the given range using a uniform distribution. After, the initial rages are randomly selected using a uniform distribution.
No Leap (-rnl)
If enabled, rages are learned after every battle even if not on the Veldt. Additionally, the leap command is not enabled on the Veldt regardless of which character has it.
No Charm (-rnc)
The Nightshade rage ability "Charm" is replaced with its special "Poison Pod". Charm causes the target to behave as if it were muddled but is not removed after being physically attacked. It works on every enemy and boss in the game and can only be removed by killing either the caster or target.
SwdTech Runic All (-stra)
If enabled, all weapons enable the use of SwdTech and Runic. Otherwise, which weapons enable SwdTech/Runic is unmodified.